
NOTE: Achievements currently aren't saved in the itch.io version

v2.2.0 Changelog

Adds unit targeting to enemies allowing them to attack units

Adds enemy aggression system (hitting them builds aggro which decays over time, keep hitting them to keep them focused on a particular unit)

Adds unit defensive stats and cards to supplement them

Adds unit defeat mechanics (units retreat for some time when their health drops to zero)

Adds party roles (party wide modifiers dependant on position in party)

Adds a new enemy (uses Chunkahunk's previous sprite)

Adds a natural damage taken multiplier increase for enemies that have unrecoverable health (burn, pressure, etc; this is a buff to pyro, hydro, scorch, and general party synergy)

Adds a small negative energy regeneration reduction (-10%x energy regeneration when you have negative energy, despite energy being a lot easier to come by now, you should still be rewarded for maintaining an energy balance rather than playing cards without thought, functionally a slight buff to quick casting/nerf to other green cards)

Adds unit sprite pulsing and a particle effect for blessed units

Adds Direct Hit to unit overview tooltips for damage types that always land Direct Hits

Adds combat log entries for card blessings

Adds a fallback mechanic to card blessings (if you don't use a blessing you get 1 mana, it felt bad not having a relevant card to take advantage of blessings)

Changes the name of card blessings (Blessed -> Favoured by the Cards)

Changes Chunkahunk's sprite

Changes some spacing of some lists

Changes a few pixels of the ui spritesheet

Changes Four Sided Coin (was too difficult after the rebalance, the inability to change dimensions resulted in minimal build diversity, still difficult, but doable)

Changes delayed retriggered damage so it triggers sequentially instead of on their own timers (slightly less damage number stacking)

Changes unit overview tooltip (more info, different coloring)

Changes Bullet collision logic (if a bullet has no pierces and no cascades remaining it will not hit any additional targets, bullet nerf when hitting heavily packed enemies)

Changes the unit party drag ui elements to something a bit more polished

Fixes Charm stat formatting

Fixes auto pause pausing on theoretical waves (31 for example)

Fixes summon targeting (they weren't converging when there weren't enough targets)

Fixes summon retargeting (now abandons target if dimensions are misaligned)

Fixes enemy health in tooltip (rounds to prevent early 0% health)

Fixes Auras not updating certain stats on refresh (in particular a nerf to Land Decimator)

Fixes Impact cascades (each impact could cascade up to cascade times, instead of each cascading once up to cascade times, nerf)

Fixes Last Resort not working with Blessing on any unit but the first in the party (buff)

Fixes Redamage triggering on all damage instead of only Hit damage (nerf)

Fixes Impact and Force damage (was balanced around a bad implementation of damage fallof)

Fixes Impact and Force only hitting up to 32 targets (causing them to be weaker than their Aura and Zone counterparts in extremely packed enemy contexts)

Fixes Distance target priority being backwards (inverted is now close targets)

Fixes enabling health bars on enemies not making the health bars visible until they are pooled

Fixes auto casting (blood lust, auto smite, crowd control cast, etc) casting while the unit is meditating (has negative mana)

Fixes outdated splash image

Fixes Favoured by the Cards working at 1 card play remaining on Lockdown causing the unit to go to -1 plays

Rebalances Ambush (suprise attack +100% damage -> +100% crit chance, now a constant card)

Rebalances Pre-emptive Strike (first hit +30% damage -> bypass damage limit, now a constant card)

Rebalances a handful of cards that were seriously underperforming (buff)

Rebalances Sqwoorms (were too tanky for how much hp regen they had, enemy nerf)

Rebalances Chunkahunk base health (140 -> 60, their health was really quite high considering their armor, enemy nerf)

Rebalances Miasma unit detriments (made a bit easier)

Rebalances base stats around unrounded minimum damage instead of rounded up minimum damage (aura, zone, force buff)

Rebalances base stats to compensate for bug fixes and logic changes (general buffs)

Rebalances base enemy movement speed (25%-35% -> 40%-60%, now that units take aggro it's less necessary for enemies to be slow)

v2.1.5 Changelog

Adds Mana information to Burn related text (for better onboarding)

Adds a card stats tooltip to unit buttons

Adds Borderless window mode (alternative to fullscreen)

Adds an achievement (more to come)

Adds more glossary pages

Adds trait copy and paste buttons

Adds repeat, multicast, and cascade support for summoners (summons do an extra dash at the target for each)

Changes splash screen to be opaque (temporary workaround to a godot bug causing a 1 px transparent border when fullscreen)

Changes card button eye catch to not activate if the card can't be altered

Changes the names of many cards (they were placeholder names)

Changes critical damage (now breaks damage limit)

Changes energy overflow (removed energy overflow ratio, energy overflow limit now transfers automatically)

Changes summon behaviour and speed (slight nerf to summoners, summons have a bit more variance)

Fixes Summoners causing nearby text to flicker

Fixes Summoners being able to cast while out of energy

Fixes Blade hits not always being Direct Hits

Fixes Lucky Hit Regen being (0.2 -> 2 energy recovery, forgot to change this before release)

Fixes some tooltips

Fixes dynamically generated glossary entries not being up to date (stacks, card tags)

Fixes trait filtering (some traits that have no effect are now ineligible for selection, more to do)

Fixes multicast not working with auto impact

Fixes bullet stack and bullet split broken stat context issue

Fixes special cast particles

Rebalances Level Up and Photosynthesis to reflect energy rebalances

v2.1.4 Changelog

Adds unlockable character skins (only generic skins for now)

Adds a handful of cards

Adds the blessing mechanic (weighted random unit will be blessed each turn, adds a play to the next card played on the unit)

Adds a damage limit (to reduce effectiveness of stacking cards on a single unit)

Adds window mode option

Changes enemy target filter to a bit field stored as a single int in the save file (will reset targeting data)

Changes the brightness of pressure damage and ignite damage on the enemy health bar

Changes blade collision to roughly match the visual (it was just a poorly sized circle before)

Changes smite visual to support Area

Changes a few cards that have no value when stacked to Constant

Changes dynamic unit color to be a combination of damage type and attack type

Changes where the wave indicator appears so it doesn't block the default centered camera

Changes rewards logic to not fallback to tokens for completed prize types (tokens are a flat 10% chance now)

Fixes enemy health bars being visible even if disabled

Fixes blade internally being half as large as it should have been (nerfed radius to compensate the fix)

Fixes windows executable icon

Fixes broken sin, ignite, frozen, and overkill damage tags

Fixes auras dealing damage even without enough energy

Fixes results screen confetti only spinning in one direction

Fixes mar the flesh dealing non Hit damage

Fixes pressure damage being evadable

Fixes echoes not retaining cascade count leading to potentially infinite cascades (nerf, was improbable anyway)

Fixes smite not counting as a direct hit

Fixes summon damage numbers not moving

Optimizes damage event (25% from inlining, 15% faster from damage number queuing)

Optimizes emitters (15% faster)

Optimizes damage numbers (adds a queue, skips pointless damage numbers, lower damage number limits now increase performance linearly)

Reduces the size of the pck file by removing unused resources (25% smaller)

Rebalances hallowed ground (1 -> 3 sinners per second)

Rebalances some energy cards (nerfs and buffs)

Rebalances blade base radius (64 -> 32, no functional change)

Rebalances base stats for most unit classes (after fixing some stat tag bugs the balance was slightly off, so adjusted to compensate, cut damage and energy cost to reduce the numbers)

Rebalances base critical chance (3% -> 10%)

Rebalances gnat (5% - 75% -> 6% -> 60%) and fly (5% - 50% -> 4% - 40%) natural evasion (nerf to flying enemies)

Rebalances heavy cast and overpower (bad math made them not worth playing)

Rebalances conditional damage cards (30% -> 50% damage up)

Rebalances difficulty (much more enemy health)

Rebalances terra hit damage (50% -> 100% damage bonus to healthy targets, puts it inline with electric damage type over the lifetime of a target, stronger identity)

Rebalances electric hit damage (50% - 250% -> 0% - 300%, stronger identity)

Rebalances base critical multiplier (200% -> 300%, indirect metal damage, critical chance buff)

Rebalances damage (halved base unit damage, all damage is raised to the next integer, buff to low damage high cast speed units which was largely support units)

Rebalances ticket cost and rewards (more tickets for less performance, less tickets for perfect performance)

v2.1.3 Changelog

Adds option to disable emitters

Adds Gambler's card tag

Adds bypass stats to unit tooltip

Adds energy overflow storage

Adds execution threshold card

Adds Bullet Stack

Changes special cards to be drawn every other round instead of every round

Changes impact cascades to not trigger if the damage was evaded

Changes unit behaviour panel toggle button behaviour (hide while cursor isn't over window or unfocused)

Changes card burn behaviour to cancel when hovering a different card to mitigate accidental burns

Changes energy recovery particle values (1, 5, 10 -> 1, 10, 25, clears out the particles faster)

Changes execution mechanic (buff, 10% chance per second unstackable -> damage / health chance * multiplier, previous implementation was confusing and didn't support stacking)

Changes unit stat context rebuilding logic (dirty flag to avoid rapid rebuilds due to eg; osmose, does technically change the way that the game works but improves performance a lot when dealing very rapid hits)

Fixes rage damage multiplier calculation (buff, enemies take more damage when enraged)

Fixes combat log history not being cleared after each run

Fixes areas not being pooled

Fixes aura size calculation (buff)

Fixes damage number bug that was causing extreme slowdown when too many were on screen

Optimizes stack related stat modifiers (20% faster)

Optimizes damage taken multiplier calculation (25% faster)

Optimizes global stat modifiers (negligible)

Optimizes sound playing (much faster but only noticeably when many sounds attempt to play at once)

Optimizes dealing damage (27% faster with all effects on, more with emitters and damage numbers off)

Optimizes unit area logic search (53% faster)

Optimizes enemy rendering (40% faster most of the time, 35% slower sometimes)

Rebalances Flurry (8% -> 0.05s cooldown skip, less efficient for slow attackers)

Rebalances Special Cast (5 -> 15 casts before it falls off, balanced around 5 casts per second to match 3 second falloff)

Rebalances aura base stats (50%x -> 100%x cast area and attack size multiplier, 64d -> 32d base cast area and attack size)

Rebalances zone base stats (48 -> 36 area and cascade area, 1.0 -> 0.6 casts per second)

Removes Bullet Arc (was mostly wasting energy)

Updates unit energy bar to be more accurate and include new overflow mechanic

v2.1.2 Changelog

Adds the ability to enter full screen (F11 key)

Adds artefact health to the stage info button tooltip

Adds an extra unit button for quick access to support stats

Adds Macguffin card tag

Adds Immortal, Illusory, and Macguffin to shown card history tags

Adds the ability to drag your mouse to flip reward cards

Adds artefact visibility and health bar options

Adds missing stat info to chance to apply stacks

Adds unit portrait sprite color reflection

Adds a new stage

Adds the ability to click Combat Log on the results screen to copy the log to the clipboard

Adds number of cards played to unit button tooltip

Adds a checkbox to the unit behaviour panel to ignore filtered targets

Adds card colour to card history entries

Adds individual card history to the results screen

Changes enemy generator logic to always include at least 10% of an enemy type (up from 0%)

Changes armor sound to something more pleasant

Changes armor sound to only activate if the damage was reduced to 0

Changes impact hit sound to something with less low end

Changes zooming to wider intervals for less scrolling

Changes unit default target priority to focus on targets that are dangerous to leave alive

Changes unit target priority logic (right click prioritized enemies in range are targeted immediately)

Changes critical damage number duration (+1s -> x2s)

Changes Force cascade behaviour to require at least 50% growth before cascade can occur (up from 0%)

Changes Force echo behaviour to require only 50% growth before cascade can occur (down from 100%)

Changes attack interval logic to fix Load Balancer interactions (nerf to Load Balancer)

Changes turbo application to exclude thinking slowdown (was bashing the cpu simulating extra ticks)

Changes some bug names

Changes bullet cascades and pierces to not be reduced when the enemy evades (buff)

Changes true hit to not apply to evaded attacks (nerf)

Changes deck logic by separating special cards and normal cards, a special card is drawn each turn

Fixes zoom level label not starting at 200%

Fixes jumper trait not reducing teleportation duration

Fixes encyclopedia search field

Fixes stage zoom calculation

Fixes misprint being applied to constant cards

Fixes things that should not be able to crit being able to crit

Fixes shock therapy stun chance (103% -> 3%)

Fixes cast range formatting in unit tooltip

Fixes nearby units cache being behind (for real this time)

Fixes impact not having access to cascade and multicast traits

Fixes Last Resort tooltip (clarifies that it needs to be unmodified)

Fixes Force double cascading (nerf)

Fixes echos not growing in size

Fixes missing crowd control blade tooltip

Fixes arc impacts only aiming to the right when auto impact has been played

Fixes negative stat modifiers reading "down -n"

Fixes evasion not always preventing damage and hit effects

Improves unit behaviour panel UX

Improves unit traits tooltip

Optimizes segment and circle collision tests (30% faster)

Rebalances the experience gained for kills and accolades (faster unlocks)

Rebalances the spawn cost of most basic enemies (more bugs, less empty waves)

Rebalances Mar the Flesh and Transfer Pain (enabled single unit power too greatly)

Rebalances Meditation (300%x -> 200%x energy recovery, too strong)

Rebalances Potential (added constant tag, reduced amount in deck to 1, stacking it was too effective)

Rebalances Lucky Hit Regen (5 -> 2, solved the energy problem too effectively for units that hit very frequently)

Rebalances Sap (0.3 -> 0.4, was good, but not good enough for people to try it)

Rebalances weaken stacks (50 limit -> 30 limit, no longer falls off)

Rebalances crush stacks (no longer falls off)

Rebalances metal damage type (50% more damage with critical hits -> none)

Rebalances shrapnel (5% -> 4% bonus crit chance per stack, 0% -> 6% bonus crit damage taken per stack, makes metal more support oriented)

Rebalances starburn (5 limit -> 10 limit, 10% increase damage dealt per target stack -> 5% damage taken bonus per stack)

Rebalances barrage (66.67%x -> 50%x reduced energy cost, damage, attack size, was too harsh of a penalty for only 3 casts per second)

Rebalances full power (adds constant tag, 2 -> 1 in deck, 30% -> 30%x increased damage while full energy)

Rebalances charge (1 -> 2 charge stacks per second)

Rebalances Chunkahunk base health (200 -> 140) and Schtinker base health (100 -> 80)

Rebalances flat health bonus curve (enemies gain more flat health per wave)

Rebalances the base stats of each attack type (flattened the DPS around 10 targets in an ~30d area, overall buff)

Rebalances zone movement (50%x -> 100%x damage, accelerates to top speed, the movement dropped dps quite a bit)

Renames Close Quarters -> Direct Hit

Renames Blind Rage -> Close Quarters

Removes a handful of white cast range and attack size cards (diluted the pool and the tradeoffs weren't worth it)

Removes the extra multicast repeat and cascade cards added last update (they weren't as necessary as anticipated)

Removes title screen discord button

Removes stage history from the save file (was slowing down saving, the only stat that mattered was experience, can save stage history to another file if players want it)


get_those-bugs-win.zip 53 MB
Version 2.2.0 Oct 07, 2024

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